Unlocking Success with PrintFactory: The Thomas Printworks Transformation

Thomas Printworks is a full-service print solutions provider with a commitment to customer success and delivering top-quality products. The team prioritizes collaborative partnerships, integrity, respect, fast and flexible service, and innovative solutions to help organizations grow and thrive. They live by “everything print”—whether it’s upgrading signage, sprucing up marketing supply chains, or starting a new marketing campaign, they have you covered.

Customer Name: Alan Ludington
Customer’s Position: Regional Vice President



What did PrintFactory deliver for Thomas Printworks?

  • Ink Savings
  • Centralized Workflow
  • Time/Labor Savings
  • Consistency
Print Operation Background

Thomas Printworks had seven locations, each using Onyx licenses without a centralized calibration method. This decentralized system posed challenges in maintaining consistent print quality and operational efficiency across locations.


Alan Ludington, having experienced great success with PrintFactory in previous roles, identified a need to centralize the workflow across Thomas Printworks’ seven locations. They needed a cloud-based solution that could standardize operations and deliver consistent results for their customers.

Outcome Achieved
  • 40% Ink Savings: Achieved immediately after deploying PrintFactory, significantly reducing costs.

  • Ease of Use: Reduced the need for extensive prepress work, allowing the team to focus on more critical tasks.

  • Centralized Workflow: Enabled consistent color production company-wide, ensuring reliability for clients.

  • Nesting Function: Automated gang runs, further improving efficiency and reducing waste.


Thomas Printworks’ transition to PrintFactory has not only resulted in immediate cost savings but also in significant improvements in operational efficiency and print quality. By centralizing their workflow and utilizing PrintFactory’s advanced features, Thomas Printworks has set a new standard in their industry, ensuring they continue to exceed client expectations and grow their business.

"PrintFactory has been a game-changer for our printing operations. The ink savings alone have significantly reduced our costs, allowing us to reinvest in other areas of our business. The software's efficiency in time and labor savings is remarkable—our workflow has become more streamlined, freeing up our team to focus on more critical tasks. Standardized color management has ensured consistency across all our prints, giving our clients the reliability they expect from us. Additionally, PrintFactory has provided us with unparalleled insights into our processes, enabling us to make informed decisions quickly. A bonus outcome of this implementation came when we found ourselves unable to work due to Hurricane Beryl in the Houston area. Thanks to PrintFactory, we could seamlessly work remotely and reroute jobs to other branches, ensuring continuity in our operations despite the disruption. Overall, PrintFactory has enhanced our productivity and quality, making it an indispensable tool for our company."

Partnership with Proof Nation

Proof Nation, the dealer that facilitated the integration of PrintFactory at Thomas Printworks, played a crucial role in ensuring a smooth transition and implementation. Their expertise and support were instrumental in helping Thomas Printworks achieve these remarkable results.